Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Drag Show 2015

Performers volunteer time to support first ever drag show

On Friday, April 17, Linn-Benton held its first drag show in the Russell Tripp Performance Theater on campus.

“It’s so awesome I can’t even believe it,” said Tim Black, Gender Sexuality Alliance club advisor.

Doors opened at 6:30 p.m. and the show started at 7 p.m. At the door tickets for students cost $5 and general admission was $6.

Current LB student Anthony Bartholomew performed under the stage name “Juliaz Wilde” and Lex Porter, former RoadRunner and current OSU student, performed under the stage name “Carmen Sutra.” There was a total of 11 performers with some performing more than once.

The LB Drag Show was hosted by LBCC student Kamran Mirza and OSU student Lucielle S. Balls. It was a fundraiser event for LBCC GSA club.

Between ticket sales, the 50/50 raffle sales, and the queer pioneer buttons sold, the GSA raised close to $756.

The show featured one performing drag king, seven queens and the spoken word. Performances ranged from lip syncing to live singing to poetry, all while embracing sexuality.

At the beginning of the show audience members were encouraged to tip the performers. During the show audience members flocked the stage with cash in hand to tip performers for a performance well done.

“We are making herstory,” said Balls.

The night’s performances were filled with debuts from Carmen Sutra, Lana Rivera, Nikita Gemini, and Lorenzo.

“Carmen's performance really wowed me, and left me in awe given how much energy she  had,” said Elizabeth Franklin, audience member.

All the way from Eugene, Ore., Faye Kit-Knightly performed two acts, “Night Work” and “Glamazon”. Both performances electrified the crowd. She volunteered her time and support for this event.

“She had an unmistakable zing, and I wanted to say ‘You go girl,’" said Larry Rollins, student.

During intermission, performers and audience members mingled in Takena Hall. During intermission, individuals could purchase “queer pioneer buttons” for one dollar and receive a $5 off coupon to Purrs’n’Wags In-Home Pet Sitting by Kat Myers. They could also purchase a 50/50 raffle ticket. The winner was to be called after intermission concluded.

The 50/50 raffle winner was Karelia Stetz-Waters, an English instructor. She won a grand total of $73, which she turned around and donated back to the LBCC GSA.

“I'd like to see the club put on more events like this,” said Stetz-Waters.

After intermission and the 50/50 winner was picked, a Q-and-A was opened to the audience. Questions asked included the member’s first drag experience, how long they have performed drag, and where else they performed.

After a show-and-tell special, the drag show ended with a curtain call. Each member of the show had a special moment in front of the crowd to be applauded for their performance and time. Boisterous applause filled the Russell Tripp Performance Theater as the show came to a close.

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